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piledriver, metal inquisition

No dialogues! – 92%

Felix 1666, September 1st, 2015
Written based on this version: 1985, 12″ vinyl, Roadrunner Records

At the beginning of the worldwide thrash metal explosion, irony was a rare commodity. Any form of more or less extreme metal seemed to be a very serious thing. Every musician looked as grim as possible on each photo. Then came the day that Piledriver appeared on the surface. Despite the fact that they also looked fiercely, their grimness could not be taken seriously. They played with clichés in a skillful manner and “Metal Inquisition” was the result of their humorous creativity. But Piledriver did not only focus on slapstick. Their compositions were characterized by their clear lines that made them easily accessible. This combination of burlesque and thrash / speed metal differentiated the band from its huge number of very hard working competitors.

The debut starts with the title track. An original and vibrant riff fills the room immediately. It leads to a coherent and gripping verse. The following merciless bridge – or is it already the chorus? – offers the key message of the whole output: “if you´re not a metalhead, you might as well be dead.” The infectious chorus gives the song its final touch, inter alia because of the sound of a guillotine that often shows up. Without question, the order books of the executioner are full and he works with high precision. Anyway, there is no doubt that this earworm is a very good representative of the band´s general approach, because it does not lack of charisma while being based on a speedy rhythm.

Generally speaking, Piledriver stands for thrashing, highly effective riffs that have withstood the test of time. But the Canadians have more to offer than just excellent riffs. The memorable choruses crown intelligently designed songs that do not shy away from metal stereotypes of all kind. “Sodomize the Dead” – the entire lyrics consist of only these three words – may appear as a caricature, but it also thrives on its spontaneity and the catchy riffing. The guitar work is also noteworthy. It ennobles masterpieces like the band anthem or “Sex with Satan”. The expressive and malicious voice adds even more value. None of the seven songs shows any signs of weakness. The most extraordinary track is called “Witch Hunt”, because it pummels you with its doomy approach. In terms of velocity, the band is flexible and offers different tempos, slow, mid-paced, fast, but no blast beats. Contrariwise, the homogeneous riffing is very stable. But with regard to the powerful main riffs, the songs do not need surprising twists and turns.

The warm, heavy and dense production presents the guitars in a dominating position without neglecting the contributions of the other band members. Piledriver manage the balancing act between a real metal atmosphere and a somehow hilarious approach with great ease. Finally, the cover artwork coincides entirely with the lyrical and musical approach of Piledriver. It symbolises the band’s triumph over these miserable wimps that do not know the true spirit of metal. In a nutshell, “Metal Inquisition” is a real cult album. Don’t answer back! No dialogues, please.

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